Food Magician Steam Store Page Preparation
31-05-2023We are excited to tell everyone we are about to finish preparing the Steam Page of Food Magician. It is more difficult than we thought, however, we should be able to publish it soon.
This is our first Steam game, so before starting we have not idea of how to setup the Steam page, and thought that it should be easy. During the process of editing the Store page, we found that Steam is quite a complicated / mature system that people need to spend time to study the terms/fields and prepare suitable graphics, in order to properly setup the page.
One example is the graphical assets, you need to prepare a number of pictures with pre-defined dimensions. Unless you have every pictures in place, you cannot publish your page. It is necessary to let your Steam page display nicely across different browsers, mobile, and Steam app.
If you are going to make your Steam game, make sure you have schedule enough time to setup your page.
Please keep an eye of the news of Food Magician. It is a game full of fun!
This is the document for everyone to fill in the information of the Steam Page: Steam Store Presence